Friday, April 17, 2009

Maverick Money Makers Club Review

For years I tried to make a go of making money online while holding down a full time job with little success, a few years back I heard of Mack Michaels (self made Internet millionaire) and read about his Money Making Club where you can make hundreds of dollars a day without needing to be an Internet marketing guru.

Mack Michaels uses a company called Clickbank for his sales which has a 60 day money back guarantee, basically no matter what product you buy from Clickbank you can get your money back NO questions asked! So knowing I could get a full refund I paid the just under a $100 to sign up at his Maverick Money Makers Club website.

Within a week of following the advice I'd already made back more than my initial $100 investment without really trying! I ran a test of one of the money making methods and it made me over $150 in 4 days!!!

Within the first month I had made over $700 and because a lot of the money making ideas are on what's called auto pilot (set them up once and forget about them) what I made the first month from about 10 hours work took no extra time the next month to make even more money! Obviously I didn't leave it at that, by the end of the third month of following Michaels advice I was ready to give up my day job and go all out as making money online from home.

Over three years have past since the decision to try the Maverick Money Makers Club and I couldn't be happier. Not going to bore you with my monthly figures, lets just say I could take the next three years off to travel and still make several times more money a year than I made in my previous full time job (air traffic control which is damn stressful!!!).

When you join the club also join as an affiliate member of ClickBank which allows you to advertise the Maverick Money Makers Club and take a share of the revenue from sales: you will also be able to sell thousands of other products as well for a decent share of the revenue, some as high as 75%.
